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Why Are You Still Cooking With That?

Subscribe here: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | YouTube | Overcast | Pocket CastsWe warned you last month to “Throw Out Your Black Plastic Spatula.” In a recent study conducted about consumer products, researchers concluded kitchen utensils had some of the highest levels of flame retardants, which you do not want anywhere near your hot food. After the article...

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Of what, you may ask—love affair, divorce, death, storm illness, joy, betrayal, revelation, blessing? In my courtyard, a heap of stuff blown from many directions— wet socks, branch about to bloom, TV antenna bent-over window screen, a sandbag without sand. I could set up shop, sell broken merchandise to the broken, sell wails and sobs to the grieving....

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The Fox News Rebound – The Atlantic

Four years ago, the long-running Fox News juggernaut suddenly looked precarious. The 2020 elections proved a major threat, as viewers abandoned the network and huge lawsuits threatened its coffers. Today, Donald Trump is headed back to the White House, and he’s bringing a brigade of former Fox talent with him—a symbolic expression of the Murdoch-owned channel’s astonishing comeback.Leading...

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Bryan Schutmaat’s Photography of the American West

Survivalists, drifters, and divorcées across a resurgent wildernessBy Andrew AoyamaPhotographs by Bryan SchutmaatNovember 26, 2024, 3:30 PM ET Drive far enough into Texas from the Louisiana border, and you’ll see the ground dry, the earth crumble into dust. Eventually, the photographer Bryan Schutmaat told me, the strip malls fade into the rearview mirror, the landscape opens, and the...

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What Air Travel Under Trump Could Look Like

The Trump administration could prove more sympathetic to businesses than to consumers.Jaromir / GettyNovember 26, 2024, 6:33 PM ET The list of air-travel fiascos this past year reads like a verse of “We Didn’t Start the Fire”: A chunk of plane fell off mid-flight. Boeing workers went on strike. A CrowdStrike software issue grounded thousands of planes worldwide....

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About Me

Mocha Rose

Fashion Blogger & Traveler

Hello & welcome to my blog! My name is Mocha Rose and I'm a 20-year-old independent blogger with a passion for sharing about fashion and lifestyle.

Mocha Rose


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